Git restore local branch deleted by mistake
1. git reflog | grep pp-auth-r1.1 response: 592b75b 2. git branch 2.7.4-69179 592b75b
1. git reflog | grep pp-auth-r1.1 response: 592b75b 2. git branch 2.7.4-69179 592b75b
1. A bootstrap (app/bootstrap.php) and application file (app/app.php) which could be used by my frontend controller, as well as by PHPUnit/Codeception 2. A web directory that is accessible for the world, containing only index.php and possibly some resources web/index.php
lxrandr saves configuration to: /home/imran/.config/autostart/lxrandr.desktop sample: [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Exec=xrandr –output HDMI1 –mode 1920×1080 –rate 60.00 –output eDP1 –mode 1920×1080 –rate 60.00 –left-of HDMI1 Hidden=false NoDisplay=false X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true Name[en_GB]=LXRandR Name=LXRandR Comment[en_GB]=To keep laptop on the left handside with monitor in the center Comment=To keep laptop on the left handside with monitor in the center imran@imran-Lenovo-Z51-70:~/.config/autostart$