Posted on January 31, 2017, 5:30 pm, by admin, under
<?php function recursive(&$myarray, $dir, $recursiveDir = null) { $items = scandir($dir); foreach ($items as $item) { if ($item != "." && $item != "..") { $file = $dir. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR. $item; if (is_dir($file)) { definitions($routes, $file, $file); } else { // get name of api $expl = explode(".", $item); […]
Posted on January 31, 2017, 5:03 pm, by admin, under
<?php $url = function($folder) use ($hostname) { return $hostname . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $folder; }; $hostname = "https://" . $_SERVER[’SERVER_NAME’]; $myurl = $url(’pictures’); echo $myurl; // output //
Posted on January 27, 2017, 4:07 pm, by admin, under
Stateless – when the application doesn’t save anything to the disk or to the RAM that is required to process future workloads. The benefit of stateless application is that it is possible to run multiple instances of an application in order to distribute workload and increase availability.
Posted on January 25, 2017, 4:46 pm, by admin, under
CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `Sample`(IN inParameterID VARCHAR(10)) Sample:BEGIN DECLARE httpStatus INT DEFAULT 500; DECLARE errorCode INT DEFAULT NULL; DECLARE errorDetails TEXT DEFAULT NULL; DECLARE EXIT HANDLER FOR SQLEXCEPTION, SQLWARNING BEGIN ROLLBACK; SELECT 500 AS statusCode, ‘Failed’ AS statusMessage; END; SET @variableID = 0; SELECT TableA.ID INTO @variableID FROM TableA WHERE TableA.ParameterID […]
Posted on January 25, 2017, 2:40 pm, by admin, under
How-to add namespaces to old php project Simple project with namespaces
Posted on January 25, 2017, 2:39 pm, by admin, under
Bitbucket is good for free private repos Github is good for free public repos, for demonstration of your work
Posted on January 5, 2017, 9:40 am, by admin, under
A Strategy pattern is an operational pattern. Strategy pattern allows you to polymorphically change behavior of a class. Strategy pattern is to avoid conditionals switching in favor of polymorphism. So, Strategy pattern = polymorphism. A Factory pattern is a creational pattern. Factory pattern allows you to encapsulate object creation. Factory pattern = encapsulation. A difference […]