Archive for the ‘bash’ Category

Shell xargs to automate routine actions

find . -type f -name "*.php.orig" -print | xargs rm $1

Docker how-to see mounted volumes

# docker inspect -f "{{ .Mounts }}" aghayevcom [{bind /home/user/Projects /home true rprivate} {bind /home/user/Servers /opt true rprivate}]

How-to detach running process from terminal

If your job is running in terminal do bg — Move running process to background — jobs — list the jobs in background and get id of the job you want to detach — disown %1 — use job id from previous query for detaching from the terminal —

Apply and revert patch

# Test before apply patch -p1 –dry-run > /path/to/some.patch # Apply patch patch -p1 > /path/to/some.patch # Revert patch -p1 -R > /path/to/some.patch

Php determine every 5th record in interation

<?php   $x = 5;   for($i=0; $i<10; $i++) { if($i % $x == 0) { echo ‘yes’; } } Result: yes yes Explanation: 5 % 5 has remainder 0 (fully divided), 10 % 5 has remainder 0 (fully divided)

Split file and having header kept in all generated files

head -n 1 upload_images.csv > header.csv; tail -n +2 upload_images.csv | split –numeric-suffixes=1 –additional-suffix=.csv -l 320 – –filter=’sh -c "{ head -n1 header.csv; cat; } > $FILE"’ split filename.csv –numeric-suffixes=1 –additional-suffix=.csv -l 50 Result: 50 files named as x{number}.csv

Top 10 security vulnerabilities by OWASP

A1 Injection (PHP include, global variables, Sql Injection through Url) A2 Broken authentication (To avoid broken authentication put into practice not leaving the login page for admins publicly accessible. Rename /wp-admin/ on WordPress to something else. Rename /admin in Magento to something else) A3 Sensitive data exposure (arp spoofing resulting traffic sniffing, stealing auth passwords, […]

Enable network communication between different docker containers

If we have 2 different docker networks, host from docker-compose network – and second host is through docker start mybash# iptables -L -n | grep DOCKER-ISOLATION DOCKER-ISOLATION-STAGE-1 all — iptables –flush DOCKER-ISOLATION-STAGE-1 After this command containers from can communicate with

Docker commiting custom container changes to docker repo

When you login inside docker container and modify it you might want to save the changes Do the following: docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 3c467f494520 c9de8ac964a9 "/bin/bash" 31 minutes ago Up 31 minutes>80/tcp,>443/tcp mycontainer Get container name and commit the changes docker commit 3c467f494520 myusername/mydockerimage:latest Push it to […]

Docker push custom image to hub

docker tag mydockerimage myusername/mydockerimage:tagname or docker tag mydockerimage myusername/mydockerimage (if no tagname specified it will assign default one called "latest")   docker login -u myusername (it asks for a password)   docker push myusername/mydockerimage