Archive for the ‘react’ Category

Using i18n Trans with custom components

React/Next.Js/Javascript page const currency = €; const { t } = useTranslation(); <Trans t={t} i18nKey={’Path.To.Mykey’} components={{ customspantorender: <Customspan currency={currency} />, }} /> Customspan.tsx import React from ‘react’;   const Customspan = ({ currency }) => { const amount = 15.99; return ( <span>{currency} {amount}</span> ); }; export default Customspan; sample.json "Path": { "To": { "Mykey": […]

React theme brakepoints

xs: Extra small devices (less than 600px) sm: Small devices (600px and up) md: Medium devices (900px and up) lg: Large devices (1200px and up) xl: Extra large devices (1536px and up) <Box sx={(theme) => ({ textAlign: ‘center’, [theme.breakpoints.up(’md’)]: { textAlign: ‘left’ }, })} > TEXT </Box> theme.breakpoints.up(‘md’) means @media (min-width: 900px) So, the above […]

Next.js usePathname(), useParams(), useSearchParams() in new App Router

‘use client’ import {usePathname, useParams, useSearchParams} from "next/navigation";   // folder structure: app/team/[teamName]/page.tsx // url: http://localhost:3002/team/something?query=mine /* Expected output: Pathname: /team/something Params: something SearchParams: mine */ export default function Page() {   let queryResult: string | null | undefined = null   // params dataset placeholder let params: Record<string, string | string[]> | null   […]

What 3 dots does in React or Typescript

Three dots {…props} decompiles array and used to merge an array with individual variables const linkProps = { …props, …(customname === true ? { passHref: true } : {}) }

React js no console

React Component Lifecycle

Consts of 3 phases: Phase 1: The mounting phase is when a new component is created and inserted into the DOM or, in other words, when the life of a component begins. This can only happen once, and is often called “initial render.” Phase 2: The updating phase is when the component updates or re-renders. This reaction is triggered […]

React Hooks History and Definition

In React, state refers to a structure that keeps track of how data changes over time in your application. In other words, state = current situation = current snapshot = status of the component. The state of a React class is a special property/variable (actually it is Object which acts as a container for variables and arrays) that controls the […]

SVG Viewbox Tutorial

SVG image manipulation similar to looking through a hole (window, viewport) to some part of area on some distance. For example: looking to a part of map through magnifying glass, moving magnifying glass around left, right and zooming in and out. SVG width, height – is a viewport, a window to look through to something, […]

How-to run typescript script from command line

npx ts-mode –files ./src/test.ts