Archive for the ‘dictionary’ Category

Dictionary of online marketing

PLA – Product Listing Ad – A commercing ad in Google, Bing to show individual product with images. On click it takes to PDP page with that ad PPC – Pay per click – advertisers pay a fee each time a user clicks on their ad

Scrum methodology events

1. Sprint Refinement – when a team goes through the backlog, score points, etc. It focuses on a long term goals 2. Scrum Planning – when a team go through the backlog and discuss tickets to be added to oncoming Sprint, assign to developer. It focuses on a short term, goals within next Sprint. 3. […]

PHP arrays comparision to Javascript and Java

Associative arrays in PHP = Javascript Objects written as name value pairs = Hash maps in Java

Encapsulation in other words means code isolation

Code isolation, or encapsulation (like a capsule), is when methods wrapped into a class to make one solid piece of logic, it became like a capsule. Also, then one piece of code knows little or nothing about another

What is a privacy policy

Когда человек при регистрации на веб-сайте дает согласие на обработку персональных данных то обработка будет осуществляться согласно Privacy Policy т.е. “Политике Конфиденциальности” сайта. Privacy Policy – это внутренний документ, который устанавливает правила сбора и обработки персональных данных пользователей на определенном веб-ресурсе. Пользователь должен ознакомиться с Privacy Policy во время первого визита на сайт либо при […]

Abstract class – is something between a regular class and a pure interface. The purpose of this is to provide a kind of template to inherit from and to force the inheriting class to implement the abstract methods. Interface – is a special case of abstract classes where ALL methods are abstract.

Stateless – when the application doesn’t save anything to the disk or to the RAM that is required to process future workloads. The benefit of stateless application is that it is possible to run multiple instances of an application in order to distribute workload and increase availability.