Find files owned by specific user
find /path -user www-data -print
find /path -user www-data -print
find my_folder -depth -exec rename ‘s/(.*)\/([^\/]*)/$1\/\L$2/’ {} \; Find my pattern and rename find ./ -type f -name ‘*_en-gb.json’ -exec sh -c ‘mv "$0" "${0%_en-gb.json}_en-uk.json"’ {} \;
unzip -l
vi /etc/rc.local
user@laptop:/var/www# dpkg -S /usr/bin/firefox diversion by firefox-mozilla-build from: /usr/bin/firefox diversion by firefox-mozilla-build to: /usr/bin/firefox.ubuntu firefox-mozilla-build: /usr/bin/firefox user@laptop:/var/www# apt-get remove firefox-mozilla-build
[Ctrl] + [Super] + [Space] Super: on some keyboards it has Windows logo
$HOME/.config/monitors.xml Example: <monitors version="1"> <configuration> <clone>no</clone> <output name="eDP-1"> <vendor>BOE</vendor> <product>0x0653</product> <serial>0x00000000</serial> <width>1920</width> <height>1080</height> <rate>60</rate> <x>3840</x> <y>0</y> <rotation>normal</rotation> <reflect_x>no</reflect_x> <reflect_y>no</reflect_y> <primary>no</primary> </output> <output name="DP-1"> <vendor>BNQ</vendor> <product>0x8016</product> <serial>0x00005445</serial> <width>1920</width> <height>1080</height> <rate>60</rate> <x>1920</x> <y>0</y> <rotation>normal</rotation> <reflect_x>no</reflect_x> <reflect_y>no</reflect_y> <primary>yes</primary> </output> </configuration> </monitors>
/msnp24 simply need to cope and past to someone that is not online in the chat then restart the skype and you are done
lxrandr saves configuration to: /home/imran/.config/autostart/lxrandr.desktop sample: [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Exec=xrandr –output HDMI1 –mode 1920×1080 –rate 60.00 –output eDP1 –mode 1920×1080 –rate 60.00 –left-of HDMI1 Hidden=false NoDisplay=false X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true Name[en_GB]=LXRandR Name=LXRandR Comment[en_GB]=To keep laptop on the left handside with monitor in the center Comment=To keep laptop on the left handside with monitor in the center imran@imran-Lenovo-Z51-70:~/.config/autostart$